Nestle Bundles Nestle Pure Life Water 60cl X 20


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Nestle Pure Life Water  is that colourless, odourless and tasteless substance that we all know and love. It is essential to all forms on the planet. The number one bottled water brand, Nestle pure life purified water enhanced with Zinc offers healthy hydration in a variety of sizes and is dedicated to helping families live healthy active lifestyles. Nestle pure life purified water starts with well or municipal water. Every ounce of water in every bottle of purified water goes through a rigorous multi-step process of filtration that involves reverse osmosis and/or distillation. Then the water is enhanced with zinc for great taste and to promote health.

Water is beneficial to us in so many ways; it increases energy and relieves fatigue due to the fact that our brain much like the rest of our body is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, improves the ability to focus and concentrate better. Water promotes weight loss by removing by-products of fat, reduces our food intake (by filling up our stomachs if consumed before meals), raises metabolism and acts as natural appetite suppressant. Not to mention it improves skin complexion, boosts immune system, prevents cramps and sprains and of course saves you money when compared to its sugar filled counterpart. The healthy benefits of Zinc are also quite noteworthy. It supports reproductive health and fertility in both male and females as well as cancer prevention and it boost immune function among other things. Some people often wonder or ask how much water I should be drinking in a day? Are you one of those if so then here is your answer. The European food safety authority recommends that women should drink about 1.6 litres of water and men should drink 2.0 litres of water per day. If you are feeling thirsty it means you are already dehydrated so donªt wait till you need to drink, just sip small amounts to keep yourself hydrated.

Buy Nestle Pure Life Water with Zinc on Lanbiz for the best price in Lagos State.

Key Features

  • Cells Protection from Oxidation
  • Premium Drinking Water
  • 100% Natural water
  • Nourishes the body